Enjoy an afternoon with FCA Sports!

August 24th | Crooked Stick Golf Club


An Afternoon at Crooked Stick
with FCA Sports

August 24 | 2:00 PM

Crooked Stick Golf Club
1964 Burning Tree Lane
Carmel, IN 46032

$1,000 per player
(Greens fees, cart, forecaddie, drinks, appetizers, event gifts included)

Each participant will get to fully experience Crooked Stick Golf Club by playing his or her own ball on each hole.  Handicaps will be utilized to create competitive and creative scoring between all golfers and teams.

1:00 PM - Registration Opens
2:00 PM - Shotgun Start
6:00 PM - Food, Fellowship, and FCA Vision

Payment Information: 
Make checks payable to FCA and mail them to the address below. Payment can be made on the day of the event if needed.

     Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Great Lakes Region
578 Geiger Drive, Suite A1
Roanoke, IN 46783


Thanks for choosing to join us on August 24 at Crooked Stick Golf Club!

We are looking forward to sharing more with you about FCA Sports!!


FCA Handicap System

  • The FCA Scramble handicap system will be used at the championship to determine the division winners.
  • All participants must have either an official USGA handicap index or know their approximate score for 18 holes of regulation golf, which must be verified.
  • Each player’s FCA handicap will be determined by the FCA handicap system listed
  • The team’s total handicap index will be determined by adding the plus (+) handicaps and subtracting any negative (-) handicaps.
  • 80% of the team’s total handicap will be used for competition. The team’s FCA handicap must total no more than minus seven (-7). If a team total is more than -7, the team will be assigned only a (-7). The Team Table is listed on page 2 of this document.
USGA Index Avg Score 18 Holes FCA Handicap
20 and up 101 and up -3
15.0 - 19.9 93 - 100 -2
10.0 - 14.9 86 - 92 -1
5.0 - 9.9 81 - 85 0
2.0 - 4.9 76 - 80 1
0 - 1.9 71 - 75 2
all + indexes 70 and lower 3


Sponsorship Options

Platinum Sponsor - $10,000

Recognition as Platinum event sponsor on website

Special recognition at event

Four golfers included

Charitable contribution to FCA

Gold Sponsor - $5,000

Recognition as Gold event sponsor on website

Special recognition at event

Two golfers included

Charitable contribution to FCA

Silver Sponsor - $2,500

Recognition as Silver event sponsor on website

Special recognition at the event

One golfer included

Charitable contribution to FCA

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